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Lying in my bed watching the clock I know in 2 hours time I will be sitting with my surgeon again, its scry to think a year has almost passed since my surgery but I can not tell you how scared I am as I sit here on the bed. 

It has been a roller coster few weeks, racing in South Africa Friday, Sunday then travel for over 24 hours to Manchester then wake up in Oxford.

In 2 hours I will be sat back in the hospital praying my last scan is clear. It's funny getting up to a sunny day listening to the birds knowing that your whole life is in the hands of someone else who will sit you down in a room and show you an image of your body. Then either tell you, I will see you in 5 months or that you need surgery. I am pretty scared to be honest as worked so hard to get back racing and love life I don't want to go through more surgery......

The journey here last night was strange, I met a friend for drinks in London then jumped on a train to Oxford, you sit watching life go past thinking how can it be moving so fast, there never seams to be enough time to do what you want or tell people that you really appreciate them. 

These trips always make me think of life in a different way, in a way that only going through surgery has taught me. So many of us sit and think oh I wish I had done this or said that...... I am sat here now thinking the same thing and I am believing that this scan will be clear and I can push on with my training and living life to the full.......

Thank you to each and everyone of you who follow and support me I really do appreciate it...

david smith